Warning: Undefined array key "DW7fa065a06cb74b536c124cfbe56ac6d3" in /var/www/gist.win/lib/plugins/translation/action.php on line 237

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/gist.win/lib/plugins/translation/action.php on line 237
==== tar -flags dest_file_name source_file_or_dir ==== ^Example^Explanation / Remarks^ |tar -czvf /home/user/dest_backup.tgz /var/www/source_dir/*.html| **c**=create **z**=use gzip **v**=verbose **f**=next param is target file. **Compress** all files in source directory into the specified dest file| |tar -xzvf /home/user/backup_file.tgz /var/www/dest_dir/*.html| **extract** files in source file into the specified dest directory(??)| |**Using find:**|| |find /var/log -iname '2022-06*.log' -print0 %%|%% tar -cvf /var/bu/june.tar --null -T -|| |find . -type f > list_of_files.txt && tar -czf bu_file.tar.gz -T list_of_files.txt|| |find . -type f -exec tar -czf {}.tar.gz {} \;|!<- TODO! FIXME| ^Flag^Same as^Explanation / Remarks^ |c| |create a new archive file| |f| |next parameter is the filename| |r|%%--%%append|append file(s) to tar file| |t|%%--%%list|list contents of file| |T| |next param is filename containing list of files to be **tar**ed(!) <- TODO FIXME| |v| |verbose output - show details while running| |x| |extract compressed file| |z| |use gzip compress or uncompress| |-| |dash, as last symbol -> use stdin as input. usually, together with another program like **find**|