Warning: Undefined array key "DW7fa065a06cb74b536c124cfbe56ac6d3" in /var/www/gist.win/lib/plugins/translation/action.php on line 237
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/gist.win/lib/plugins/translation/action.php on line 237
==== Python dictionary ====
^example^explanation / remarks^
|d = {}|construct an empty dictionary |
|d = {"age": 17, "school": "Adam High School", "transportation": "bus"}|construct a dictionary with data|
|d["age"]=18| add or change value of a key|
|v = d["age"]| get value associated with a key |
|l = len(d)| get number of keys (which is the same as number of values)|
|for key,val in d.items(): \\ ...| loop over all //key,val// pairs |
|d.clear()|delete all entries|
|d.copy()|returns a (shallow!) copy of the dictionary|
|d.get(key, default=None)|returns a value associated with a //key//. if //key// not found -> return //default//|
|d.setdefault(key, default=None)|if //key// exist -> do nothing. if not -> add the specified //key,default// pair|
|d.fromkeys(seq, value=None)|//seq//=list of keys. add these keys to the dictionary, all having same associated value=//value// |
|d.has_key(key)|returns a boolean value: True if key exists, else -> False|
|d.keys()|returns a list of the keys: [key1, key2, ...]|
|d.values()|returns an **iterable** of the values|
|d**.items()**|returns a list of tuples: [(key1,val1),(key2,val2),...]|
|d.update(d2)|add all d2 //key,value// pairs to d|
|del dict["school"]| delete a //key,value// pair based on key|
|type(d)| |
|cmp(d1, d2)| compares two dictionaries [need more info!]|